Mobile Uniform Stores
A custom apparel store delivered right to your doorstep. Including Payroll Deduct, Store Vouchers, Custom Embroidery and Logos and more.The WARD Apparel mobile sales units allow you to provide convenient, at work, shopping for your group. Our expert staff consult with you to determine the desired brands, styles, colors and price points then put together a fantastic shopping experience that your employees can enjoy without leaving work. Couple that with the ability to perform payroll deduct (if authorized by you) and it becomes a big winner.
Our state of the art checkout process ties into live updating inventory, meaning that everyone will get EXACTLY what they order. The technology we use also offers fast checkout times and easy special ordering capabilities. Backorders are a thing of the past with Ward Apparel.
Payroll Deduct
You can also take advantage of our Payroll Deduct program. Employees can buy their uniforms against future paychecks. Very handy and convenient for employees. If you’re interested in using payroll deduct, just contact us and we’ll get everything taken care of.
Store Vouchers
Ward Apparel also offers store vouchers, meaning that you can select the exact uniforms your employees (or students) can have. For instance, a school voucher program might allow a student to get a uniform consisting of 2 pairs of pants and 2 polo shirts – all of which are paid for by the school. The student would get a voucher for all 4 pieces of apparel.
Special Orders/Customer Service
Your staff can also place special orders at your Mobile Uniform Store. Products can be ordered and will be fulfilled within 7-10 business days. All apparel can be exchanged or returned at the Ward Apparel retail showroom, or as requested by the host facility per the current store policy. For mobile shows, we believe you should have more options for returns/exchanges than just waiting until the next show or paying shipping to send it back.
Custom Embroidery Services
Custom embroidery can be added to most apparel. Whether it be a lab coat, scrub top, polo or other uniform item, our expert embroidery department can make you look good.

Here’s an entire uniform store being staged at our warehouse before going out to a partner’s facility.
Some other history and info about our Mobile Uniform Store division…
Our Mobile Uniform Store program is one of the largest in the state of Ohio. We’ve serviced dozens of facilities including St. Rita’s Regional Medical Center, located in Lima, Ohio. We have participated in shows as big as 25,000 pieces of apparel. (That’s a lot of clothing!)
Want to schedule your own Mobile Uniform Store? Need more info?
Call us at 567-940-9448 or send us an email at